Monday, September 5, 2011

Sometimes, I like having a crazy life.

Lately, I've had SO much to do. It seems like if I do find time to just sit, my brain is trying to plot out just what I need to do next. I'm not complaining; after all, I signed myself up for all of this. In fact, I'm doing the opposite of complaining. I love my crazy busy life. I like always having something to do, a goal to achieve, standards I need to meet. It makes me feel good, like I'm actually needed for something. And I enjoy that.

Recently I decided that life is too short to be grumpy. If we are always upset about whats going on...Or whats not going on, we'll never realize what we're missing out on. Things go on around us ALL the time, we need to stop and realize that even if things may be falling apart for us, the world till goes on. In my opinion, its better to move with the world than to sit in our own little corner of pity and wait for someone to shove us into motion again. Happiness is a choice. No one can make you happy, unless you want to be. No one can make you feel one way or another, unless you let them. For example, if I tell you that you're pretty every day for the rest of your life, you will never ever think you're pretty unless you CHOOSE to believe me. What happens in your life may not be something you decided, but your attitude towards it, is a decision only you can make. I know so many fantastic people that, though their lives are a lot less than fabulous, they never miss a beat. They are happy ALL the time. And sure, everyone has a breaking point. But just because you broke, doesn't mean you should take a lifetime to fix it. I know some things take longer to fix than others, but I think we all know how much time is reasonable. (I'm NOT trying to bag on anyone, I'm just expressing thoughts, I think a lot!) Life moves on, whether you move with it or not is all up to you.

If you even know me (you don't even have to know me well) you know that I love music. My whole life seems to revolve around it. At the moment, I'm in three choirs. Yes, i understand I am a major nerd, I'm okay with that(: My most favorite choir is my Madrigals choir. There are 25 of us in the choir and we are like one big happy, singing, dancing, acting, piano playing, CRAZY family. There is almost nothing i love more then spending time with these wonderful people. I love them(:

So, in short. My life is crazy, i love it. Life is about happiness, not self pity. And music is my life.... I've now realized that this was all just one big post about life(: Love it!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I find people entertaining. The different ways they function, and think. And today, i got the chance to talk with one of the people i'm closest with for a little over an hour. He has the most wonderful insights and beliefs of the world... Everytime i talk with him, i learn something new. I love it! He has helped me through SO much. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. I just want him to know that, and to tell him thank you.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've learned never to expect anything.

You know those days.
When you wake up and go
"Oh, crap. Today is gonna suck"
"What a way to start my morning"
"Don't i already have enough to worry about?"
Yeah. That was my day today.

You know those days when everything goes right?
When you can't help but smile and say
"I love my life"
"Today was perfect"
"I couldn't ask for anything better"
"How did i get so lucky?"
Yeah. That was my day today.

How did complete opposites happen
on the same day?
To tell you the truth I DON'T KNOW.
But, i loved it.
And i'm so happy(:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hello, my name is World's Worst Blogger. Ever.

Yeah, hey.
What do you think of when you hear the word home? Well, i used to not be SUPER thrilled when i heard it. It was just simply home. The place where i ate and slept. And that was about it. Now, after being away for the summer, i have begun to seriously appreciate it more. Like, WAY more. Home is everything to me. Its where i can relax, where i can be myself, where my family and friends are, its where i can be myself.
I have loved being in Logan, but i am ready to be home, for good. And I'm so glad that i get to be there tomorrow!

The BATC has been...And experience to say the least. I have learned a lot. And i really did like it. Granted, it is NOT what i thought it would be. Like, at all. But it was good for me. And I'm glad that i decided to do it. I'm looking forward to all the new things I'm going to be learning. This school is going to be rough, but I'm prepared and i plan to make the best of it. I'm sure i will have the time of my life(:

I don't how many of you know me extremely well, but i am incredibly indecisive. I hate making decisions. Recently, i have been faced with a pretty tough one having to do with some friends of mine. I've been really stressed about it. I need to know whether to burn the already mangled bridge, or try and begin to rebuild it. I know its been said that we all lose friends along the way, but this has been hard for me. Any advice on good decision making? I'd SO appreciate it.

Well, i can't think of much else to say. (:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ten Truths...

Sooo...Today is 10 truths Tuesday. So, here are my truths!
1- I absolutely love pineapple.
2- I've recently discovered that i love to sew.
3- I hate getting ready. Hate it. I seem to constantly wear T-shirts with no make-up and my hair on top of my head.
4- I never ever sleep well.
5- Music is what keeps me going. I would not be who i am today without it.
6- I have the BEST friends. Ever. No battles.
7- I am a Mormon, and proud to say so.
8- I really don't like driving. It scares me!
9- I am addicted to food(:
10- I have the worst anxiety. Ever.

Aaand there you have it(: Hopefully i will post more later....Hopefully;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Holy. Wow.

Somehow, it seems like i haven't been on this lovely blog of mine in forever...
Oh wait...
Its cause i haven't(:
HELLO! ...Again. I am quite sorry about my lack of posting...But i have been SERIOUSLY busy. ...You probably don't really care to know why but, that reeeaally sucks, cause i'm gonna tell you anyway(: Hah.
Sobasically <---New word i invented. Like it? I sure do(: Anyway... I have started my lovely fashion schooling. It is definitely not what i thought it was gonna be. I was prepared to design to my heart content. Sew my life away. But, it is not so. Unfortunately, you have to go through the REEEEAAALLLLY boring crap before you can get to the fun stuff. So...This last week has consisted of the following: Cutting, gluing, pictures, essays, notes, more note, movie, and even more notes. Yes. I realize, i'm living the life. Pah. Despite the obvious pessimism you may read leaking off the words i'm typing, i really do like it. The girls are fabulous, the school is wonderful, and my instructors are phenomenal. I'm just trying to hurry it up and get done with the crappy note taking so i can get to the more exciting parts...Like, i dunno, making a freakin' collection for a fashion show!? You could say that i'm slightly stoked for that. So yeah, life's been crazy. Wake up early, go to school, visit family/babysit family, go home late, and repeat.  But  all in all, the schooling is A-okay(:
You know the feeling when you have all these crazy jumbled up thoughts in your head and you just NEED to get them out just so your brain doesn't explode but it doesn't work cause their all tied in hopeless knots?
Yyyyyeaaahhh...Sorta how i'm feeling(:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I think i think too much;)

Quite a lot to say and not NEARLY enough time to say it(: Ha.

I've decided (technically i decided awhile ago..So i'm just kinda restating!) But, i have FANTASTIC friends(: I adore them. I used to be so unhappy about all the friends i seemed to have lost... I would think about it constantly. Wondering what happened.
But now, i'm okay. I'm happy where i am. I love my friends and i wouldn't trade them for the world. Sure, i miss my old friends, quite a bit. And it still makes me sad to think about what went wrong. But i'm okay with it now, for some reason.
I've met some awesome people and i'm sooo glad. I don't know where i would be without them. I'm so glad that we are nice to each other (most of the time) ;) I seriously do love them.

Recently, i've felt a lot like an outsider. Like i'm trying to find the place i fit in. And i realized, i like it sometimes. I don't have to get involved in high school crap. I can do what i want, when i want to, and no one cares! I can say whats on my mind, cause no one understands. I used to get so frustrated feeling like no one really sincerely cared and now that i noticed that thats okay, i've begun to like it. When someone really does care (not in the like, motherly fatherly caring sort of way. As in the caring about your image kind of judging kind of way...If that makes any sense...) , it can be sort of...stressful. You always feel pressured to please them; their wants, their feelings, etc. You never really get to be true to you. And yes, it is good to try to make other people happy and to serve, but you've got to find the balance of time for you and time for others. If you are ALWAYS trying to please everyone else, you will lose who you really are. I've learned that the hard way. And sometimes that means you have to let things go. And its hard, but once you realize who you are, its easier to help others out. I know this probably makes no sense...And i could ramble on about this forever, but i'll stop now. Cause i have more to ramble about;)

13 DAYS Till the BATC will be stealing me away for the summer. Yes, the countdown has begun! And to be honest, i don't really know how i feel about it! I'm soo excited to live up there this summer and to be with my family and to learn about things i love but i'm worried i'll be homesick, that i won't make friends, and that i will be terribly lonely. I have all these "What if's" floating around in my head, and it scares me to deeaath. I've been running around like crazy trying to make sure that EVERYTHING is ready. And its seriously stressing me out! BUT all in all, i'm excited. I know it will be a fabulous experience for me and i'm anxious to get going!

GUESS WHO GETS GETS HER LICENSE TOMORROW? This girl right here. Yep, you could say i'm excited(: I've only waited, what, 5 months. I'M DYING! So ready to be able to drive on my own. The DMV is calling my nameeee(: Hahaha. Independence, here i come!

All right, one last topic, then i'm done...For now;)
I've been thinking a lot about "impulse" You know, things you say or do..or don't do out of impulse. I personally hate impulse. I think the only thing its good for is to push the break in you car when you're about to wreck. Other than that, it's stupid. We hurt feelings on an impulse, we wreck relationships on a impulse, we make mistakes on an impulse, we disobey on an impulse. Most of the things we do are out of impulse and i'm not so sure i like it.I think that EVERYONE, mostly myself, should sit back and think before we act on an impulse, because most of the time, it gets us into serious trouble.

Well, That is all i have, i know you are probably all dying from too many words. Sorry about that. I like to

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Driving and such.

Yay(: Lots of updates today. Not too stoked to type it, but very stoked to share it!

  • I ooonly went to first period today because I WAS IN LOGAN(: (A.K.A. my favorite place everr) I went up to the BATC to get answers to all my questions and to get ready to register for summer classes and to figure out exactly what i would be doing. Weeelll good news its all gonna work out! I'm soo super excited! Let me just tell you about it...(: First off, our high school is NOT in the boundaries for the BATC, they have only ever had 3 students come to their school out of the boundaries....And i happen to be one of them! Because of this, I'm getting slightly different treatment, i guess you could say. The normal High School program goes from June 13th to July 28th and the hours are 8-12. These students don't always complete the whole course, unless they come during the school year which is easy or them because they live near the BATC. Well, in my case, i'm not even close to near. So i will be there right up until the week before school starts. To top it off, i will be working the full adult hours, 8-2:30. Also. They are going to let me do A LOT of my work from home during the school year. These people are FABULOUS! Seriously, they really do want the best thing for the student and i'm SO excited....And slightly nervous but i'm more that positive that it is worth it(: The courses are INTENSE! I'm stoked.
  • Droveee the range today...And sucked it up. Haha. I managed to get there like TWO minutes late. So...He had already explained how to do everything and where everything was and such...Yeah, i was LOST! I felt like such and idiot just driving in circles trying to figure out what each station was and stuff. My instructor hates me because i'm seriously the BIGGEST blonde. Everrr. Yeah. Hopefully i pass the test. Haha. Cross your fingerssss(:

Can i just say, THANK YOU EMILY GEORGE. I'm loving the whole blog thing(:

Monday, May 23, 2011


  • Major bummer... My driving was canceled today. Which means...I won't be getting my licence as soon as i had hoped. Yeah. I'm kinda frustrated. But, on the upside, it meant i got to finish watching the Nicki Minaj episode of ABDC(: HEY HEY! Yeah, i've sorta become addicted... Anyone watch it. I'm in love with "I aM mE" Look em' up. Guarantee you'll love them. 
  • Yyyeah, I'm stoked. Tomorrow i am missing school to go to the BATC to check on a class for the summer * Back story time(: *   Eh, ehmm..  So, the beginning of this year, i started a sewing class...and kinda sorta EXTREMELY fell in love with it(:  Sooooo, i figured out that the BATC has a class called Fashion Merchandising and i was like, heeyyy, that would rock. So i've been researching and learning and pulling a few strings;) and i've managed to get an interview with the head administrator over there tomorrow morning! I'm nervous cause i would really like this all to work out! So cross your fingers, i'll need all the luck i can get(:
  • So...Tomorrow is the FINALE of my all time favorite show...Everrr. AMERICAN IDOL! I was suuper excited for it...Until i watched it last Thursday and my FAVORITE PERSON EVER ON THE SHOW got voted off!  Yeeeah that would be HAYLEY REINHART! She was pretty much FAB-O(: Now the people in the top two i have absolutley NO desire to watch. Yeah. Not so stoked anymore...

Wellll...I do believe that is all for todaaayyy(:
Night. -Bridgette

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here we go...(:

If you were to say i was excited...
You'd be understating. Immensely. I am stoked to be a blogger(:
First offf....I'd like to explain my title aaand my little...sub title thing!
1-Imperfection is beauty Is party of a looovely quote by Marilyn Monroe. I love her and i love this quote. I believe that if a person looks absolutely flawless...They look fake. Our imperfections make us who we are. For example. I have two "cute" Little chicken pox scars RIGHT in the center of my forehead. I used to hate them, now i hardly notice them. But without them, i just don't seem to be me(: We should embrace our inner (and outter) imperfections because that is just who we are! so....Get used to it(:

2-Life is Beautiful You'd better believe it! I'm a strong believer that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.. So enjoy it. Make the best out of every day! I must admit...I've not yet mastered this, (in fact, i have got quite a ways to go.) BUT i still think its as true as true can be! I also think that a smile is possibly the most fabulous the world. Don't ever forget to smile. Because you never know who is watching;)

So! I'm super excited to get things up and running. I hope you enjoy this...Cause i sure am